
" 1 7 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z
0 271

Armistice Line

The Armistice Line is the border between the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia and the Empire of Australia’s…

0 82

Arrabella Rose

Captain Arrabella Rose was a commander of the Third Order for the Empire of Australia in the…

Arrow Logo
0 204


Arrow is a Cascadia-based weapons manufacturer. The company is listed on the CSX. The company is a…

0 237

Arts Council

The Arts Council is the seventh-ranking council of advisors to the Empress of Australia in the Empire…

0 204

Asperia Two Feathers

Asperia Two Feathers is a prominent Cascadian investor and philanthropist. She is notable for being one of…

The flag of the Australian Foreign Legion
0 302

Australian Foreign Legion

Overview The Australian Foreign Legion (AFL) is a military organization composed of volunteers from countries not under…

Bacchanalia in the Empire of Australia
0 248


The Bacchanalia (sometimes also called “Bauchanalia” or the “Empire Bacchanalia”) is a five-day period of rest and…

Balboa's Land Flag
0 188

Balboa’s Land

Balboa’s Land Balboa’s Land, a shadow of a once-ambitious nation nestled between the turbulent tides of the…

The flag of the Baltic Sea Alliance
0 337

Baltic Sea Alliance

The alliance between the Kingdom of Norway, the Russian Imperium, France, Siam, and the Kingdom of Papua…

Barnaby Alloicious Clarke, Jr.
0 98

Barnaby Alloicious Clarke, Jr.

The 12th President of the Union of American States and the first president to rule during the…

0 157

Barnaby Wild Fox

Barnaby Wild Fox is the long-time fiance of Devorah Kazmarazz.

Papua Jungle - Battle of Three Rivers - Empire Universe
0 295

Battle of Three Rivers

The Battle of Three Rivers is the colloquial name for the last battle of the war 2011…

Beatrix d'Bordeaux
0 114

Beatrix d’Bordeaux

Beatrix d’Bordeaux was the second daughter of Eleanor the Twenty-Eighth, the younger sister of Eleanor the Twenty-Ninth,…

The Archers Prepare is a work of art that depicts the moments before the Beltane Massacre.
0 118

Beltane Massacre

The Beltane Massacre was a event in Cascadia during the religious persecutions of Empress Eleanor the Seventeenth….

Benjamin Franklin, first President of the United States of New England
0 287

Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was the first President of the United States of New England. Franklin served for only…

An artist's depiction of Bernard d Homme Nouveau
0 141

Bernard d’Homme Nouveau

A member of the Knights Hospitaller of the Australian Order and a rumoured spy for 1151, Bernard…

0 261

Big Deal Oil Company

Big Deal Oil Company is the world’s foremost hydraulic fracturing company. Using a patented method, Big Deal…

Big Think Magazine - haveabigthink.com
0 337

Big Think Magazine

A news magazine based in Cascadia, Big Think is known for its long-form profiles of complicated subjects…

Bill & Fitzgerald, the cartoon animals who own a bar together in the eponymous series Bill & Fitzgerald
0 191

Bill & Fitzgerald

Bill & Fitzgerald is a long-running cartoon series from Empyre Media that features a cat, Fitzgerald, and…

0 171

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is the governing body, mandated by law, which manages each publicly listed company…

0 183

Bortsi za svobodu

Bortsi za svobodu, meaning literally “The Freedom Fighters”, is a Ukrainian independence group seeking to oust the…

0 269

Bourreau d’Allemand

The German Hangman or sometimes the Hangman of Germany, is an official title granted by Napoleon VI…

Brown Robe
0 156

Brown Robes

Brown Robes is a colloquial term for followers of Josephine Imre’s Purity movement.

Burst Motors Logo
0 191

Burst Motors

Burst Motors is a manufacturer of pellers and other vehicles for mass consumption. Burst was founded in…

CAFFA - Cascadia Film and Farnsworth Award
0 243


The Cascadian Film and Farnsworth Awards (CAFFAS) are the premier awards for works for the large and…