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Sassy Lassy Entertainment Logo
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Sassy Lass Entertainment

Sassy Lass Entertainment is a company in Cascadia that specializes in lifestyle entertainment. Which is exactly what…

The Saturn Chronicles Starring Anna Moreau Redux
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Saturn Chronicles

A science-fiction series starring Anna Moreau. Set on the base of Titan in the year 2243, the…

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Sea Lion Class Battleship

The Sea Lion Class Battleship is a class of naval vessels created by the Empire of Australia…

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Section X Colonies

The Section X Colonies are livable zones set up on islands off the west coast of Cascadia…

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Sentral Tower

A large office building in the centre of Cascadia’s capital region, the Sentral Tower is a post-modernist-style…

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Service of the Hidden Good

A tenet of the True Disciples of Jesus, the Service of Hidden Good is the requirement that…

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Simon Bolivar

The first president of Gran Colombia, Simon Bolivar, was a military general and political leader in South…

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Sioux Nation

The Sioux Nation is a nation-state situated in the center of the North American continent which borders…

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Softlogic is a computer software company created by Josephine Imre. One of the titans of the computer…

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Sovereignty Day

On September 7th, 1667 Cascadia declared independence from the Empire of Australia. This became known as Sovereignty…

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Spirit Mountain Chain

The major mountain range of the southern island of Australia.

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State Knowledge Bureau

The State Knowledge Bureau is the agency within the Empire of Australia tasked with the administration of…

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Students of the Great Mystery

The Students of the Great Mystery is a religion created and popular in Cascadia. It is considered…

Super Massive Widgets Logo
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Super Massive Widgets

Super Massive Widgets is a Cascadia-based company involved in the industrial-scale manufacture of items for everyday and…

Taline Mooshian
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Taline Mooshian

Taline Mooshian is a senior investigator at the Complex Investigations Taskforce in Cascadia. She is a Cascadian…

Self-Portrait 13 by Tatiana Aediles
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Tatiana Aediles

Tatiana Aediles is an Australian painter of great renown, especially prized for her depictions of the Empresses…

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Temnota (темнота), literally meaning “Darkness”, is the internal and external security force of the Russian Imperium. It…

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The Tenasnah, literally “small look” in Chinook, is a microscope invented by Sahalie in Cascadia and used…

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This article refers to the City. For the Emperor of Brazil, please refer to Teodósio the First….

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The Bello-Bolivarian System

The Bello-Bolivarian political system became a model studied worldwide. Hallmarks include: Regional autonomy balanced with strong federal…

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The Black Rabbit

The Black Rabbit is a mythical creature, sometimes also referred to as The Empire Rabbit, The Great…

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The Chaparral

The Chaparral is the name of the southwest-American colony of the Empire of Australia. The The Chaparral…

The Complex - Pørtland's Favorite Dance Club
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The Complex

A dance and social club in Pørtland, Cascadia.

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The Dakar Incident

The Dakar Incident refers to a series of events in Dakar, Union of West African States in…

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The Dead Loon

The Dead Loon is a tap house off the Grand Concourse with a reputation as being a…