
" 1 7 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z
Madeline Gabriel looking at one of her famous buildings
0 254

Madeline Gabriel

A famous Cascadian architect and the foremost leader of the Post-Modernist School of architecture.

0 146

Mandatory Savings Account

The Mandatory Savings Account is a Cascadian requirement for every citizen and immigrant to Cascadia who performs…

Starry Night by Margot d'Bordeaux
0 166

Margot d’Bordeaux

The Aotearoan painter Margot d’Bordeaux is credited with creating dozens of works of the Aotearoan countryside in…

0 147

Marika Nia

Marika Nia is a legal advocate with an impressive pedigree. Amongst her most famous clients are Sarah…

0 295


Marketwire is a financial news source for the world with headquarters in Cape Town, Pørtland, Paris, Mumbai,…

0 133

Marla Ronan

A writer, journalist, and researcher, Marla Ronan is best known for her authoritative biography of Julian Powder,…

0 130

McDuff Family Murder

The McDuff Family Murder occurred in 2017 in the unincorporated area between the towns of Corbét and…

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Mdm. Chalice Goldsmith

Madama Chalice Goldsmith is among the longest serving Overborgmeisters of Pørtland, serving from 1882-1907 in the role.

0 235

Miskito Kingdom

The Miskito Kingdom is a Central American country bounded in the north by the Kingdom of the…

0 285

Morena Arshagouni

Morena Arshagouni is a writer of serialized romance and erotica who came to prominence with the underground success…

0 302

Morgen Genentech

Founded in 1977 by Dr. Johannes Morgen, Morgen Genentech is a medical research, pharma manufacturing, and gene-therapy…

0 291

Mount Aquitainia

The tallest mountain in Australia.

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mr darling

Mr Darling is a DJ, signed to the Circa22 Label, and known for his Dark House concept…

0 291

Nakoma Mountain

A large extinct shield volcano due east of Pørtland, but within the Pørtland Autonomous Government Zone. The…

Nakoma Mountain Trust Logo
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Nakoma Mountain Trust

The Nakoma Mountain Trust is the organization that oversees the Nakoma Mountain Expanse and the related properties…

Napoleon the Tenth
0 310

Napoleon the Tenth

Napoleon the Tenth is the current Emperor of France.

Nathan Chambers First Minister of Cascadia - Empire Universe
0 280

Nathan Chambers

Current First Minister of the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia.

Map showing Neo-Spanish Occupation of the Kingdom of the Maya
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Neo-Spanish Invasion of the Mayan Kingdom

On January 1st, 2015 the first, second and third divisions of the army of the United States…

Never Before Starring Anna Moreau - Empire Universe
0 243

Never Before

A drama series starring Anna Moreau. A high-concept show, the series was based around the character of…

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New Bordeaux

The city of New Bordeaux is the capital of the Empire of Australia. The city is located…

0 196

New Calais

New Calais is the capital of the Madagascar Domain of the Empire of Australia and its most…

0 149

Night Raids

The Night Raids refers to the events of September 28th to 30th, 1667 in which 27 members…

Nikola Tesla
0 155

Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was an ethnic Serbian born into what is now the Confederated States of Macedonia, but…

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Nova Kazmarazz

The second natural daughter of Victoria Kazmarazz and James McCann. Younger sibling to Devorah Kazmarazz and older…

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Old Man of Papua

See also King Thor Tresloggett and the Kingdom of Papua.