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0 357

Olivia d’Haviland

Olivia d’Haviland is the current Overborgmeister of Pørtland. She is currently serving the second year of her…

0 166

Onboard Incident Reporting System (OIRS)

The Onboard Incident Reporting System (OIRS) is a ship-operations recording system common to all ships in the…

0 244

Once Upon A Time In Adelphia

Once Upon A Time In Adelphia is a drama series starring Anna Moreau. The series featured Anna…

0 179

Operations Officer

The Operations Officer (OO) is the second-in-command at each publicly listed company on the Cascadia Exchange. The…

Opinber Portrait of Eleanor I
0 300

Opinber Portrait

Commissioned by Eleanor XVII and painted by the artist Rafael Hemdragoon, the artwork is considered to be…

0 164

Order of the Empire

The Order of the Empire is the highest civilian honour bestowed by the Empress of Australia.

0 177

Ornery Turkey

Ornery Turkey is a Cascadian bourbon famous for its inexpensive and unprepossessing nature.

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The Overborgmeister is the title given to the mayor of the Autonomous Governmental Zone of Pørtland.

0 280

Palace of the Seven Stars

The protected castle of Eleanor the Twenty-Fifth, it is located deep within the Spirit Mountain Chain. Its…

Paralux Unlimited
0 345

Paralux Unlimited

The Paralux Conglomeration came to life in 1974 as the brainchild of two young physicists tinkering on…

0 176


Paroma is an artificial intelligence developed by Paralux Unlimited. Paroma’s name is a portmanteau that stands for…

0 221

Pax Australiana

The Pax Australiana refers to times when the Empire of Australia steps in to promote the global…

0 188


A thought or idea. “How the sweater got bloody I have no pensivet in the world.” The…

0 268

Perkins, Ellis, Cave and Monteclift

A financial consultancy company. Sarah Taylor got her start in the industry at the company.

An image from Cascadia Plot 27, where the government of Cascadia is rumoured to hold evidence of alien life
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Plot 27

In the forest near the edge of the Nakoma Mountain Trust, this section of land is rumoured…

Port Eleanora
0 112

Port Eleanora

Port Eleanora, later Port Sahalie, was the main port city for the Northwest Territories of the Empire…

Pørtland, Cascadia Flag
0 336


The Autonomous Capital Region of Pørtland (Pørtland ACR) is the greater metropolitan area surrounding the capital of…

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Pørtland Autonomous Government Zone

The Pørtland Autonomous Government Zone is the area known as the central government district for the Independent…

0 281


Sometimes referred to as “Old Portugal”, this nation-state ceased to exist upon the execution of nearly every…

0 289

Powder Mill Murders

WARNING: The following contains graphic descriptions of grisly deaths and murders. In 1916, in the logging town of…

0 252

Presidents of the Union of American States

Democratically Elected Presidents These Presidents of the Union of American States were elected by popular vote to…

0 259

Presidents of the United States of New England

Extended List of Presidents of the United States of New England Benjamin Franklin (1789 – 1791) John…

0 209

Princess Imperial

The Princess Imperial is the heir to the throne of the Empire of Australia.

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Privy Council

The Privy Council is the highest advisory council in the Empire of Australia. There are 21 members…

Privy Councilors a new comedy from Empire Media
0 119

Privy Councilors

Privy Councilors is a fictional series created for the Farnsworth by Empire Media in 2021. The comedy…