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CAFFA - Cascadia Film and Farnsworth Award
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The Cascadian Film and Farnsworth Awards (CAFFAS) are the premier awards for works for the large and…

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Capital Monster

This financial company provides high interest loans to anybody dumb or desperate enough to take them out….

Empire Universe - Captain Cutter
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Captain Cutter

A commander in the Cascadian army during the War of Independence, Captain Horatio Cutter was the most…

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Cascadia Apparel

Cascadia Apparel is the maker of three popular clothing brands: Mr. Boredom and Ice Queen their twin professional…

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Cascadia Crime Sectorate

The Cascadia Crime Sectorate is the compendium of conceivable crimes collected and revised by the Great Council…

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Cascadia Exchange

Founded in 1527, the Cascadia Exchange (CSX) is the main bourse for the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia…

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Cascadia Prevailing Wage

The Cascadia Prevailing Wage is the lowest amount payable to employees on an hourly basis for work…

The Official Flag of Cascadia
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Cascadia Timeline

What is the Cascadia Timeline? The following Cascadia Timeline outlines major events in the history of the…

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Cascadian Land Reorganization

The Cascadian Land Reorganization refers to the series of actions taken by the Cascadian Government in 1887…

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Catalogue of Empire

The Catalog of Empire is the official written historical recording of the facts of the lives of…

The Chamber of Authority in the Palace of the Seven Stars
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Chamber of Authority

The room in the Palace of the Seven Stars in which the Empresses of Australia are crowned.

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Children of Corvus

The Children of Corvus are members of the supposed murder cult founded by the eponymous “Corvus” whose…

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Chinook Wawa

One of the five official languages of the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia.

Christoph Howling Wolf
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Christoph Howling Wolf

Christoph Howling Wolf was Overborgmeister of Pørtland, the capital of the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia, from 1567…

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The largest producer of music in the world, Circa22 manages some of the world’s most prolific and…

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Cities of Cascadia

The major cities of Cascadia are as follows: Sea Haven With a population of 8.6 Million, it…

The Colossus of New Bordeaux is a statue of Eleanor the First that sits in the middle of the harbour of New Bordeaux.
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Colossus of New Bordeaux

The Colossus of New Bordeaux is a statue of Eleanor the First that sits in the middle…

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Complex Investigations Taskforce

The Complex Investigations Taskforce (sometimes simply referred to CIT-Force or CIT), is Cascadia’s main criminal investigations entity.

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Complexe du Parc Central

The Complexe du Parc Central in New Bordeaux is the expansive park system at the heart of…

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Conglomeration is the official term for collective entities in Cascadia. Sometimes otherwise referred to as companies, corporations,…

The Conquering Hero - Eleanor XV on a horse at the head of a conquering army amidst green fields of Portugal
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Conquest of Portugal

The Conquest of Portugal took place on September 21st, 1545 and was a military operation conducted by…

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In Cascadia, the Constabularium is the local law enforcement office.

President General Cooper Slate Lee
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Cooper Slate Lee

President General Cooper Slate Lee was the 14th President of the Union of American States.

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Corbét is a small town at the edge of the Nakoma Mountain Expanse. The town is situated…

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Cornelia Street

Cornelia Street is a major thoroughfare in the city of Pørtland, Cascadia, which is known as the…