Important Décrets

Laws of the Empire of Australia are codified in a system of Décrets of the Crown. The following are considered the most important Décrets in the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1

The first décret and the one that established the décrets as the main legal code throughout the Empire of Australia.

The Empress of Australia, Eleanor the Second, does hereby decree that laws throughout the lands of the Empire of Australia shall be recorded through a system of Décrets, each one numbered. These Décrets shall have the full force of law throughout the Empire unless they specifically state otherwise. The purpose of these Décrets is to create a framework of laws for the betterment of the populace, the conduction of business, and the furtherance of a stable system of government for the Empire.

Décret 1, Eleanor II, January the Third, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Five

Décret 2

Any Décret may be amended or repealed by a further Décret which states the reasoning behind the change or repeal and the date by which it is to take effect.

Décret 2, Eleanor II, January the Fourth, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Five

Décret 3

In each major population centre of the Empire, at the expense of the crown, shall be kept a House of Laws which shall contain a list of all Décrets that govern the realm. This list shall be accessible to any and all citizens of the Empire and any guests granted access to the Lands of the Empire with permission of the Crown. Housed within this House of Laws shall be a three-member Court of the Crown which shall hear disputes of the realm and make rulings in the Name of the Crown. These rulings shall be written down and preserved. The ruling of the majority of the Court of the Crown shall be the Majority Ruling and any disagreement with the ruling of the majority shall also be written down and preserved as the Minority Ruling. Any ruling may be appealed to the Council of Justice housed in the Capital of the Empire. The Council of Justice shall consist of Thirteen Members, appointed by the Crown, who shall hear all appeals and make Majority and Minority Rulings thereon. Any member of the Council of Justice may, on any matter so decided by the Council, whether they are in the Majority or Minority, request a hearing from the Empress who shall issue a final ruling on the matter.

Décret 3, Eleanor II, January the Sixth, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Five

Décret 4

Every citizen shall swear their loyalty and allegiance to the Crown of the Empire. Disregard of this loyalty shall be punishable by any means seen fit by the Crown, up to and including immediate death.

Décret 4, Eleanor II, January the Seventh, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Five

Décret 5

Every citizen shall have, in their person and practices, the free exercise of their lives without interference from others provided their actions do not interfere in the lives of others.

Décret 5, Eleanor II, January the Tenth, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Five

Décret 6

The conduct of business dealings shall between members of the populace shall be governed by a written agreement between parties. This agreement shall be witnessed by a Witness-Public employed, at the expense of the Crown, in every House of Laws. Any agreement not so witnessed shall be considered null and void and not enforceable as written. Any agreement so witnessed being breached may be brought by the offended party to the Court of the Crown in any House of Laws and have a Justice of the Crown offer remedy. This remedy, being so ordered by the Justice of the Crown shall be enforceable by the Crown against the offending party.

Décret 6, Eleanor II, January the Fifteenth, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Five

Décret 10

The line of the Crown shall be passed from eldest daughter to eldest daughter so that the Empire may be ruled by a succession of the ablest women to rule.

Décret 10, Eleanor II, February the Twentieth, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Five

Décret 17

In each House of Laws there shall be employed, at the expense of the crown, an expert in the Décrets who shall be available to advise the populace on the meaning of the Décrets and how best to observe them.

Décret 17, Eleanor II, March the Twenty-Ninth, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Six

Décret 76

The practice of the uncanny shall be strictly forbidden.

Décret 76, Eleanor III, December the Twenty-Ninth, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred and Fifteen

While enforcement of this décret has been uneven throughout the history of the Empire, it has always remained an active legal statute.

Décret 177

In the 177th Décret, Eleanor the Fourth set out what became known as the “Rank and Privilege” of the councils of the Empire of Australia.

Rank and Privilege in the Court and Service of the Empire shall be set along the following lines.

There shall be a Privy Council that shall serve as the primary advisors and executors of the Will of the Empress. Members of the Privy Council shall include Chief and Second Councilors from all other Councils hereby established.

The Purpose of each Council shall be enumerated below, but the overall Purpose shall be to secure Peace, promote Trade, and compell the Happiness of Well-Being of the subjects of the Empire. These are the Highest Orders of each Council.

Other Councils shall include: a Council of Foreign Affairs, a Council of Economics, a Council of Justice, a Council of Defense, a Council of Education, a Council of the Environs, and a Council of Art. The nominal rank of these Councils shall be such as their order above.

The number of each council shall be Thirteen. Decisions and recommendations given by each Council as a Whole shall be decided by vote with a Written Declaration of the Decision and shall include reasoning that led to the decision. Any Opposing Viewpoint on the Council will be also recorded and provided with the Written Declaration. As the Time of the Empress is precious, neither the Written Declaration or its Opposite shall exceed the length of 610 words.

The Work of each Council shall be important, but also important is the connection of the Councilors to the People of the Empire. As such, it is so ordered that six months of every year, in alternate months, shall be a time of Session of the Councils. The other six months of the year, Councilors are requested to be at home or amongst the People of the Empire to learn what they can about the lives of the Subjects and to understand how best to promote their Peace and Safety, secure Trade that provides them with adequate Work, and build Well-Being into the lives of the People.

The Empire shall provide Quarters for each councilor in the Capital and an adequate Stipend so that they may focus on their Work of State. Counselors shall be appointed by the Empress of Australia from amongst the Population of the Empire by any criteria She deems fit.

The Council of Foreign Affairs shall maintain Embassage to Other Nations and provide for the quartering and security of the Embassies of Other Nations to the Empire. Connection and Contact with Other Nations shall be the Priority of the Council and it shall work to ensure that no action on the world stage is taken without the knowledge of the Empress.

The Council of Economics shall be tasked with creating Wealth for the Empire, promoting the financial well-being of the Subjects, and creating a functional and imposing Economy which shall be the Envy of the World.

The Council of Justice shall be tasked with promoting Peace, Security and Justice amongst the people of the Empire. The Council shall administer the Courts of the Crown and shall serve as semi-final arbiters of disputes in the Empire. The Council shall administer the Laws of the Empire as written in these Décrets, but also such Lesser Laws as the Council shall deem fit to enact with the Will of the Empress.

The Council of Defense shall be tasked with maintaining the Army and the Navy.

The Council of Education shall seek to empower the citizens of the Empire with Knowledge.

The Council of the Environs shall seek to make the spaces of the Empire beautiful, promote the wealfare of the Animal Kingdom, and create habitats for the Peoples of the Empire that promote health and safety.

The Council of Art shall encourage the creation of the World’s finest artworks.

Décret 177, Eleanor IV, January the Twenty-First, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred and Twenty-Seven

Décret 201

The Council of Foreign Affairs and the Council of Defense shall, by a majority vote of either, be empowered to recommend that the Empress declare that a state of war exists between the Empire of Australia and any of the nations of the world. The Empress may, as is her right, decline or affirm the recommendation of either Council.

Décret 201, Eleanor IV, October the Twelfth, One Thousand-Two-Hundred and Twenty-Eight

Décret 383

Décret 383 was written by Eleanor the Fifth. It created the 1151 Agency, the spy organization of the Empire of Australia.

Understanding that information about the Actions of other nations, whether declared or not, are of the greatest import to the Security, Prosperity, and Success of the Empire, a group known by the moniker of the year of the Empire’s founding be created and empowered to gather information about the covert and public actions of the Nations of the World such that the Empire may make informed decisions on the world stage.

Décret 383, Eleanor V, July the First, One-Thousand-Two-Hundred and Sixty-Seven

Décret 613

An endowment of Monies, ten-thousand gold Sovereigns, is hereby granted to the University of New Bordeaux that the interest may be used in the operations and expansion of the University with the goal of making it the greatest center for learning in the world. The University is empowered to make loans to local merchants and individuals with the Monies at a rate of not more than Five Percent annually.

Décret 613, Eleanor VI, December the First, One-Thousand-Three-Hundred and Forty-Three

Décret 617

Males are hereby granted the right to Admission to the University of New Bordeaux provided that they satisfy the general entrance requirements that are required of females to enter the University.

Décret 617, Eleanor VI, January the Fifteenth, One-Thousand-Three-Hundred and Forty-Four

Décret 637

The official languages of the Empire of Australia are to be Te Reo and French.

Décret 637, Eleanor VI, July the Thirteenth, One-Thousand-Three-Hundred and Forty-Four

Décret 900

The Merchant’s Union is hereby created as the Primary Trade Guild of the Empire of Australia. The Union shall be granted a Capitalization of Five-Hundred-Thousand Sovereigns by the Crown. The Union is empowered to Build and Operate a series of trading vessels that shall conduct trade across the seas and throughout the world. These vessels shall be flagged under and protected by the Empire of Australia. In exchange for this initial Grant of Capital, the Union shall deliver to the Crown, each year on the same date a complete computation of the trade engaged in for that previous year and a ten-percent commission of all of the profit from such trade.

Décret 900, Eleanor VII, May the Tenth, One-Thousand-Three-Hundred and Sixty-Eight

Décret 913

It is hereby mandated that the duty of 1151 is not only to gather information about the actions and intentions of the nations of the world vis a vis the Empire of Australia’s interests, but also to shape those actions to be more favorable to those interests by any means necessary.

Décret 913, Eleanor VIII, September the Tenth, One-Thousand-Three-Hundred and Seventy-Nine

Décret 1567

In Décret 1567, Eleanor the Fifteenth set out the creation of a separate quarters, what ultimately became known as the Tower of the Infanta, for the household of the eldest daughter of the Empress of Australia.

Décret 1581

The Island known as Madagasikara is hereby annexed into the Empire of Australia. The people of Madagasikara are hereby granted full citizenship in the Empire of Australia with all the rights, privileges, and duties granted to all citizens of the Empire. Additionally, all residents of Madagasikara who present themselves for the Official Census shall be granted an annual stipend of one gold sovereign for the duration of their life. Any member of the populus who joins the Martial Forces of the Empire for a minimum of two years shall be entitled to receive a stipend of five gold sovereigns for the duration of their life. If they should perish during their Martial Service, their heirs will be paid the due stipend for a duration of seventy-five years.

Décret 1581, Eleanor XV, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Thirty-Seven

Décret 1599

It is hereby decreed that the lands of the Kingdom of Portugal are annexed into the Empire of Australia and shall be forever the sovereign territory of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1599, Eleanor XV, August the Thirtieth, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Forty-Five

Décret 1600

Any Soldier or Sailor in the Armies or Navies of the Kingdom of Portugal who defects to the Empire of Australia will receive an annual stipend of five gold sovereigns for the duration of their life and a commission in the martial forces of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1600, Eleanor XV, August the Thirtieth, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Forty-Five

Décret 1601

All members of the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Portugal are hereby sentenced to immediate death by decapitation.

Décret 1601, Eleanor XV, August the Thirtieth, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Forty-Five

Décret 1602

The lands of the Spanish Kingdom are hereby annexed into the Empire of Australia and shall forever be the sovereign territory of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1602, Eleanor XV, November the Sixteenth, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Forty-Five

Décret 1603

The new Kingdom of Castile is hereby created by the undeniable power of the Empire of Australia and shall forever be a tribute land to the Empire of Australia. It shall be ruled by Isabella d’Castile and her female heirs in perpetuity. Isabella d’Castile shall be educated in the arts of governance in New Bordeaux until her sixteenth year when she shall return to her kingdom and rule. Likewise, her heirs will be raised and educated in New Bordeaux until their sixteenth year. Until the time that Isabella d’Castile reaches the Age of Majority, the Kingdom of Castile shall be ruled by a regent appointed by Her August Majesty the Empress of Australia, Eleanor the Fifteenth.

Décret 1603, Eleanor XV, November the Twentieth, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Forty-Five

Décret 1604

The Lands of Catalonia shall be governed by a ruling Council of Fifteen, appointed by her august majesty Eleanor the Fifteenth Empress of Australia and her heirs in perpetuity and subject to a ten percent levy on tax and trade. In all other matters, the council shall have ruling authority over the Lands of Catalonia in perpetuity.

Décret 1604, Eleanor XV, December the First, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Forty-Five

Décret 1625

Portuguese is hereby recognized as an official language of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1625, Eleanor XV, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred and Sixty

Décret 1660

Décret 1660 outlawed the practice of religion in the Empire. It is considered one of the most divisive and destructive décrets in the history of the Empire. It led to a mass exodus of religious participants from the shores of the Empire to far-flung corners of the Empire, particular religiously pluralistic Cascadia.

It was protested even by close relatives of the reigning Empress at the time, including, famously, her niece (who was put to death) and daughter (who was imprisoned).

Décret 1661

Eleanor XVII created the position of Inquisitor of Dogma with this décret.

Décret 1672

The free practice of religion shall henceforth be unrestricted in all the lands of the Empire of Australia. La libre pratique de la religion sera désormais illimitée dans tous les pays de l’Empire d’Australie.

The free practice of religion shall henceforth be unrestricted in all the lands of the Empire of Australia. La libre pratique de la religion sera désormais illimitée dans tous les pays de l’Empire d’Australie.

Eleanor XVIII

Décret 1685

Décret 1713

In Décret 1713, Eleanor the Nineteenth decreed that every third Thursday of the month should be considered hat day in which all subjects must wear a hat in public unless they can produce a legitimate reason why such an accessory would jeopardize their health or well-being.

Widely derided, the Décret was created in response to a letter that a haberdasher sent to the Empress, decrying the falling sales of hats and that she was unable to continue her business without support from the crown. It is suspected that the woman had something different in mind than this décret, but the woman’s hat sales did increase as a result according to reports from the time.

Décret 1739

English is hereby recognized as an official language of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1739, Eleanor XX, August the First, One-Thousand-Six-Hundred and Thirty-Eight

Décret 1892

This Décret organized the Empire of Australia into a series of 13 Domains that would be administered separately from each other.

Décret 1893

Décret 1893 was instituted in the year 1663 by Eleanor the Twenty-First. It created the system of appointed governors to manage the newly created Domains of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1900

In Décret 1900, in the year 1666, Eleanor the Twenty-First instituted the Empire of Australia’s policy of limiting the influence of Spanish, French and British, Dutch, Belgian, and German interests in the Americas and Africa. This Décret authorized the Empire’s navy and chartered privateers to claim or destroy ships flying the flags of these nations or suspected of being agents of these nations. The Décret was decried as an act of war by the targeted nations, but having fleets of significantly smaller size, none were able to mount a challenge to the Empire’s dominance.

Décret 1901

This Décret created the American Protectorate of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 1927

This Décret ordered the immediate death of Alain d’Alsace for the crime of treason in violation of Decret 76.

Décret 2524

This Décret created an overhaul of the operations of the Privy Council and is notable as it was Eleanor XXIV’s first Décret.

In an effort to ensure that the views of the Majority and Minority are presented with equal weight in deliberations of the Privy Council, the Chief Councilor for each Council of the Government shall be tasked with presenting, where applicable, the Minority Opinion of the Council at hand. The Second Councilor shall be tasked with presenting the Majority Opinion. The Minority Opinion shall always be presented first.

Décret 2524, Eleanor XXIV, June the Twelfth, One-Thousand-Seven-Hundred and Eighty-Nine

Décret 2941

Henceforth, all thoroughfares of more than two lanes shall be split to allow for the planting of trees between the lanes. Likewise, trees shall be planted on either side of all thoroughfares throughout the Empire. These trees shall be of diverse species, native to the location in which the road is constructed, and shall be maintained at the expense of the crown.

–Eleanor XXX, January the Seventeenth, One-Thousand-Nine-Hundred and Twenty Two

Décret 3704

In Décret 3704, Eleanor the Thirty-Third decreed that popular elections would be held to determine the governor of each domain of the Empire of Australia.

Décret 3708

Te Reo Māori was made the official court language of the Empire of Australia, replacing Australian French.

Décret 3792

Décret 3792 set about to create more favourable terms for the social-labour contract in the Empire of Australia.

The text of the Décret included the following provisions:

  • A 4-day, 32-hour workweek shall be the standard for employees of the government.
  • Supervisors are forbidden to contact their supervisees on days when they are not scheduled to work except in emergency circumstances.
  • All indications of emergency circumstances will be reviewed by the Judiciaire du Travail and if they are found to be non-emergent, the supervisor will be personally fined and the fine paid to the worker who’s time was violated.
  • All employees, regardless of status or performance, will receive a wage increase equal to inflation each year.

These legal provisions became the law of the land in the Empire of Australia on March 25th, 2022.

Décret 3794

On May 2nd, 2022, Eleanor the Thirty-Third announced Décret 3794 which created a new census paradigm for the 2025 census of the Empire of Australia.

In this new paradigm, the number of domains was increased from 34 to 55 to increase the voices in the Governor’s Council to be more representative of the population.