Tag: Empire of Australia

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Empress of Australia

The Empress of Australia is the title of the Head of State and Head of Government of…

Eleanor 30 | Eleanor 31 | Eleanor 32 | Eleanor 33 | Empresses of Australia | Empire Universe
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Empresses of Australia

The Complete List of the Empresses of Australia The following is the complete list of the Empresses…

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Envoy for the Royal Word

Envoy for the Royal Word is a title of major prominence in the Empire of Australia. It…

Equalisation Theory
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Equalisation Theory

Equalisation Theory is a theory that is common in the study of the Empire of Australia which…

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Factotum of the Realm

The Factotum of the Realm is the highest-ranking courtier in the government of the Empire of Australia….

Fear Of A Black Rabbit by Paul Marie and Jacob DeAngelo
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Fear of a Black Rabbit

Fear of a Black Rabbit is a book by Paul Marie and Jacob DeAngelo about the history…

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Foreign Council

The Foreign Council is an advisory council to the Empress of Australia and the second-highest-ranking council according…

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Governor’s Council

The Governor’s Council is an advisory council in the Empire of Australia. It is one of the…

A sketch of an Australian Heavy Trade Ship
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Heavy Trade Ship

In 1503, Eleanor the Fifteenth commissioned Leonardo da Vinci to design a large ship capable of transporting…

Flag of the Holy Protectorate of the Empire of Australia
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Holy Protectorate of the Empire of Australia

The Holy Protectorate of the Empire of Australia consists of the island of Cyprus and the lands…

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Imperium Omnium

Eleanor the Fifteenth (Eleanor XV, E15) published a book entitled Imperium Omnium, outlining the successful tactics and…

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Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia

The Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia, commonly referred to as Cascadia, is a nation-state in the NW area…

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Justice Council

The Justice Council is the fourth-ranking council of advisors in the Empire of Australia. The council advises…

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Kingdom of Papua

Founded in 1153, the Kingdom of Papua was founded by many of the same band of Vikings…

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Kingdom of the Maya

The Kingdom of the Maya is a nation-state to the south of the United States of New…

A Knight Hospitaller of the Australian Order
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Knights Hospitaller of the Australian Order

The Knights Hospitaller of the Australian Order were a group of knights formerly associated with the Knights…

Laboratoire du Corps sigil
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Laboratoire du Corps

The Laboratoire du Corps is the oldest medical school in the Empire of Australia, founded in 1492…

Starry Night by Margot d'Bordeaux
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Margot d’Bordeaux

The Aotearoan painter Margot d’Bordeaux is credited with creating dozens of works of the Aotearoan countryside in…

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Mount Aquitainia

The tallest mountain in Australia.

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New Bordeaux

The city of New Bordeaux is the capital of the Empire of Australia. The city is located…

Opinber Portrait of Eleanor I
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Opinber Portrait

Commissioned by Eleanor XVII and painted by the artist Rafael Hemdragoon, the artwork is considered to be…

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Palace of the Seven Stars

The protected castle of Eleanor the Twenty-Fifth, it is located deep within the Spirit Mountain Chain. Its…

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Pax Australiana

The Pax Australiana refers to times when the Empire of Australia steps in to promote the global…

Port Eleanora
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Port Eleanora

Port Eleanora, later Port Sahalie, was the main port city for the Northwest Territories of the Empire…

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Sometimes referred to as “Old Portugal”, this nation-state ceased to exist upon the execution of nearly every…