Tag: Government

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Crest of the Empire of Australia's 1151
0 294


Overview 1151 is the spy agency of the Empire of Australia. While the military might of the…

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Administrator of 1151

The Administrator of 1151 is the highest-ranking officer in the Empire of Australia’s spy agency, 1151. The…

American Protectorate of the Empire of Australia
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American Protectorate of the Empire of Australia

Overview: The American Protectorate of the Empire of Australia was created by Décret 1901 in 1666 by…

Arlington House - Home of the Presidents of the Union of American States - Empire Universe
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Arlington House

The traditional residence of the President of the Union of American States.

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Arts Council

The Arts Council is the seventh-ranking council of advisors to the Empress of Australia in the Empire…

The Chamber of Authority in the Palace of the Seven Stars
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Chamber of Authority

The room in the Palace of the Seven Stars in which the Empresses of Australia are crowned.

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Décret 3704

in Décret 3704, Eleanor the Thirty-Third decreed that popular elections would be held to determine the governor…

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Décret 3792

Décret 3792 set about to create more favourable terms for the social-labour contract in the Empire of…

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Décret 3794

On May 2nd, 2022, Eleanor the Thirty-Third announced Décret 3794 which created a new census paradigm for…

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Defense Council

The Defense Council is the fifth-ranking council of advisors to the Empress of Australia. The council advisors…

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Denis d’Bordeaux

Denis d’Bordeaux became infamous as the Inquisitor of Dogma for Cascadia from 1579 to 1581. He was…

Equalisation Theory
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Equalisation Theory

Equalisation Theory is a theory that is common in the study of the Empire of Australia which…

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Factotum of the Realm

The Factotum of the Realm is the highest-ranking courtier in the government of the Empire of Australia….

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First Minister

The position of First Minister is the highest position of government within the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia….

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Foreign Council

The Foreign Council is an advisory council to the Empress of Australia and the second-highest-ranking council according…

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Governor’s Council

The Governor’s Council is an advisory council in the Empire of Australia. It is one of the…

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Justice Council

The Justice Council is the fourth-ranking council of advisors in the Empire of Australia. The council advises…

A Knight Hospitaller of the Australian Order
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Knights Hospitaller of the Australian Order

The Knights Hospitaller of the Australian Order were a group of knights formerly associated with the Knights…

Nathan Chambers First Minister of Cascadia - Empire Universe
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Nathan Chambers

Current First Minister of the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia.

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The Overborgmeister is the title given to the mayor of the Autonomous Governmental Zone of Pørtland.

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Pørtland Autonomous Government Zone

The Pørtland Autonomous Government Zone is the area known as the central government district for the Independent…

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Privy Council

The Privy Council is the highest advisory council in the Empire of Australia. There are 21 members…

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Prosecutor of the Crown

The Prosecutor of the Crown is the chief law enforcement officer of the Empire of Australia. The…

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State Knowledge Bureau

The State Knowledge Bureau is the agency within the Empire of Australia tasked with the administration of…

An architectural drawing of the Cascadian Long House.
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The Long House

The Long House is the physical seat of government for the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia. The massive…