The Wrath of Thunderbird

The Wrath of Thunderbird is a song commemorating the typhoon that destroyed the fleet of 300 ships bringing reinforcements from the Empire of Australia to Cascadia to put down the rebellion that led to the creation of the Independent Sovereignty of Cascadia.

Lyrics of the Song

In sixty-two, with dawn’s light spread, a young warrior feared what lay ahead,
His heart weighed by a looming dread, as enemy ships filled the horizon’s edge.
From the Empire’s might, a fleet so vast, three hundred sails against the Cascadians cast,
Their doom seemed sealed, the die was cast, as shadows over freedom were fast.

This warrior stood on rocky shore, his spirit called for something more,
To Thunderbird, his plea he swore, a desperate cry from his core.
“Great spirit, hear my humble plea, if ever our land needed thee,
It is now, let us be free,” and like wildfire, the prayer tore through every tree.

The sky turned dark as night at noon, the sea churned wild beneath the moon,
Thunderbird, moved by the tune, appeared amidst the storm’s typhoon.
With wings that blotted out the sun, he faced the fleet, and one by one,
The ships were lost, the empire undone, by the power the Cascadians had won.

No blood was shed by Cascadian hands, no battle fought on those sacred sands,
Only the storm that Thunderbird commands, which saved their homes, their humble lands.
The young warrior watched as morning broke, the sea was calm, the threat a smoke,
Gone as if it were a stroke of fate, left in awe at what belief can evoke.

Now tales are told of that fateful day, of the warrior’s plea that led the way,
How Thunderbird came to stay, a guardian still, keeping foes at bay.
Each year when storm clouds crown the sky, Cascadians remember and their spirits fly,
To that moment when their hope did not die, carried by the wings of an ally.