Presidents of the Union of American States

Democratically Elected Presidents

These Presidents of the Union of American States were elected by popular vote to serve 5 year terms, and then (with the exception of John C. Calhoun, John Tyler, and Zachary Taylor) re-elected to serve an additional term.

George Washington (1789 – 1799)

Thomas Jefferson (1799 – 1809)

James Madison (1809 – 1819)

James Monroe (1819 – 1829)

Andrew Jackson (1829 – 1839)

John C. Calhoun (1839 – 1844)

John Tyler (1844 – 1849)

Zachary Taylor (1849 – 1850)

Zachary Taylor was the last democratically elected President of the Union of American States. He was assassinated in 1850.

Presidents By Fiat

Following the Assassination of Zachary Taylor by Calhounists, there began a period of Rule by Presidential Decree as the democratic government was suspended.

John C. Calhoun (1850 – 1850)

Thomas Green Clemson (1850 – 1888)

John Calhoun Clemson (1888 – 1899)

Presidents By Military Coup

In 1899 Union Army Colonel named Barnaby Alloicious Clarke, Jr. organized a military coup that murdered the President’s personal guard and hanged the then President (John Calhoun Clemson) from an oak tree on the grounds of the Arlington House. Thus began a period of rule by military command.

Colonel (later General) Barnaby Alloicious Clarke, Jr. (1899 – 1916)

General Herman Tyler (1916 – 1931)

General Cooper Slate Lee (1931 – 1957)

Presidents by Election

Upon the death of President General Cooper Slate Lee, the remaining members of the ruling military junta devised a process of Election to decide who would lead the country. Voting was limited to men who owned assets of greater than 15 Million Union Dollars. During this period, after the adoption of the New Constitution, elections have been held every six years.

Anthony Tyler (1957 – 1997)

Grandson of President Herman Tyler, and great-great-great grandson of John Tyler, Anthony Tyler was the first elected President of the Union of American States since the assassination of Zachary Taylor in 1850. While the first election that sent Anthony Tyler to Arlington House was considered a “fair election”, every subsequent election was seen as rigged in his favour.

Joshua Romero (1997 – present)

Upon the death a Anthony Tyler, a new election was held and while there was much jockeying for position within the elevated ranks of the Union’s elite, it was gunrunner Eldridge Elwood that proved kingmaker and installed Joshua Romero as the next President of the Union.