Tag: United States of New England

Benjamin Franklin, first President of the United States of New England
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Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was the first President of the United States of New England. Franklin served for only…

Heaven of Earthly Delights a juliana van ordayle novel by Morena Arshagouni
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Heaven of Earthly Delights

Heaven of Earthly Delights is a series of erotic novellas about Juliana van Ordayle. The series is…

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Presidents of the United States of New England

Extended List of Presidents of the United States of New England Benjamin Franklin (1789 – 1791) John…

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United States of New England

The United States of New England is a nation-state in the North-East corner of the North American…

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War of the Seven Nations

The creation of the Sioux Nation and it’s fight for autonomy and independence from other regional powers…

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Washington Compromise

The Washington Compromise was the name given to the goal of uniting the two factions of the…