Tag: Empire of Australia

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Palace of the Seven Stars

The protected castle of Eleanor the Twenty-Fifth, it is located deep within the Spirit Mountain Chain. Its…

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Pax Australiana

The Pax Australiana refers to times when the Empire of Australia steps in to promote the global…

Port Eleanora
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Port Eleanora

Port Eleanora, later Port Sahalie, was the main port city for the Northwest Territories of the Empire…

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Sometimes referred to as “Old Portugal”, this nation-state ceased to exist upon the execution of nearly every…

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Privy Council

The Privy Council is the highest advisory council in the Empire of Australia. There are 21 members…

Privy Councilors a new comedy from Empire Media
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Privy Councilors

Privy Councilors is a fictional series created for the Farnsworth by Empire Media in 2021. The comedy…

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Prosecutor of the Crown

The Prosecutor of the Crown is the chief law enforcement officer of the Empire of Australia. The…

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Purges of Faith

The Purges of Faith was a period of religious persecution that spanned from Eleanor the Seventeenth’s ascension…