Tag: Espionage

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Crest of the Empire of Australia's 1151
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Overview 1151 is the spy agency of the Empire of Australia. While the military might of the…

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Administrator of 1151

The Administrator of 1151 is the highest-ranking officer in the Empire of Australia’s spy agency, 1151. The…

Agency 1667 - The Spy Agency for Cascadia
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Agency 1667

Created in the same year of Cascadia’s independence, Agency 1667 was the clandestine organization started as an…

An artist's depiction of Bernard d Homme Nouveau
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Bernard d’Homme Nouveau

A member of the Knights Hospitaller of the Australian Order and a rumoured spy for 1151, Bernard…

Eva Salal - Empire Universe
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Eva Salal

Born in Si’ahl, in 1974, Eva Salal became the head of Agency 1667, Cascadia’s espionage agency, in…